版主: 版主021
Re: 【追蹤臺語】您們遇過強姦軟體嗎?
勒索軟體預防免疫工具 Disable WSH 2016.04.28 - 防堵Locky、CryptoLocker、CoinVault等勒索軟體的運作
勒索軟體預防免疫工具 Disable WSH 2016.04.28 - 防堵Locky、CryptoLocker、CoinVault等勒索軟體的運作
勒索軟體預防工具 Disable WSH - 防堵Locky、CryptoLocker、CoinVault等勒索軟體的運作,對抗勒索病毒的新方法!大多數的勒索軟體運用RSA加密技術造成重要檔案被加密後無法解密的困境,但根據美國F-Secure防毒軟體公司的研究發現,勒索軟體的觸發都是透過網頁或郵件中的ZIP壓縮檔來執行Java Script(副檔名為JS或JSE),因此,若透過登錄檔的修改禁止「Windows Script Host」就能禁止Java Script被執行,一旦電腦執行JS或JSE副檔名的檔案,就會被攔截並跳出「已停用此電腦的Windows Script Host存取。詳細資料請洽詢管理員。」的警告視窗而無法執行,設定的方式是修改登錄檔機碼「HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings」,新增一個「DWORD值」將數值名稱命名為「Enabled」,再將數值資料設定為「0」,阿榮也把此登錄檔設定製作成執行檔,執行後就可以完成上述的安全設定,一起來防堵勒索病毒吧!(阿榮)(下載)
Re: 【追蹤臺語】您們遇過強姦軟體嗎?
純看診的電腦Disabling Windows Script Host
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Scripting Guide
In more desperate circumstances, you can disable Windows Script Host; this will prevent users from running any scripts (including VBScript and JScript scripts) that rely on WSH.
To disable Windows Script Host, create one of the following two registry entries (REG_DWORD) and set the value to 0 (you need to create the entry, because it does not exist by default).
To disable WSH for a particular user, create this entry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\Enabled
To disable WSH for all users of a particular computer, create this entry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\Enabled
When enforced, the following message will be displayed any time a user attempts to run a WSH script:
Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details.
This message box appear even if the user attempts to start the script from a batch file or using a designated script host (for example, by typing cscript.exe c:\scripts\myscript.vbs at the command prompt).
可以停用 Window Script Host